This servicese is focused on providing the 3D point cloud of a complex environment by means of the laser scanning and structure from motion technologies
This servicese is focused on providing the 3D point cloud of a complex environment by means of the laser scanning and structure from motion technologies
This servicese is focused on providing the 3D point cloud of a complex environment by means of the laser scanning and structure from motion technologies
Augmentative and alternative communication solution for people with cognitive disabilities and / or older people based on the use of mobile technology and NFC pictographic cards.
Exploitation, enrichment and efficient management of surgical video allows the development of Telm@, a new MIS (minimally invasive surgery) learning environment based on web technologies
System for detection the structural damage appearance by the elastic wave propagation monitoring in solid using a fiber optical sensor network embedded in the structure .
The combination of spreadsheets with automatic deduction techniques allows identifying common errors, working with incomplete information, solving complex problems and facilitates networking.